Is Going Organic the Way Forward?

There is a growing public perception that companies are ignoring health and environmental concerns in their quest to maximise profit and in doing so they ignore other equally important issues such as environmental concerns and local communities.
Businesses such as LocalHarvest, GuideUsGreen, FarmAid, and different co-ops offer a real alternative for people concerned with these issues and with businesses that combine a strong ethical dimension in tandem with making profits.
Here are some of the main features of organic farming:
- Organic farming severely restricts the use of artificial chemical fertilisers and pesticides.
- Instead, organic farmers rely on developing a healthy, fertile soil and growing a mixture of crops.
- Animals are reared without the routine use of drugs, antibiotics and wormers common in intensive livestock farming.
Synthetic dyes and ingredients such as Sudan1 were in the national news in February and can cause cancer. See for further details. Genetically modified (GM) crops and ingredients are not allowed under organic standards.

Why Buy Organic?
It has never been easier to shop for organic food, and there has never been so much choice. Every food category now has an organic alternative. It’s also common sense; organic food is good food. Good to eat, good for the environment, good for the small-scale farmers and the farm workers who produce it.
Chefs across the country are committed to using organic ingredients because plants from healthy soils and organically fed livestock provide us with more flavorful food. Organic foods allow true flavour to shine through unlike other non-organic foods that look and taste good but are often full of E numbers and artificial flavourings and ingredients.
By supporting local, sustainable and organic farms in your local community you also support the larger community of which we are all a part. By eating organic food you are providing the healthiest choice for your family and supporting the farms that provide us with healthy and ecological neighbourhoods.
The ‘go local’ food movement is flourishing – over 15% of people buy organic food locally and this number continues to rise as the number of farmer’s markets, box schemes, cafes and restaurants serving organic food increase.
If you can, look for businesses that can help you find locally produced foods which are fresher, healthier and more economical. It cuts down on transport costs and ‘food miles’ where an average shopping basket can include fruit and vegetables transported from all over the world.